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Mental Health Resources

OSHA Resources

  • November 2018 - Crane Standard Final Rule announcement: The amendments to the crane standard has become a final rule. It has not yet been published in the federal register, but once published, the rule will become effective 30 days from the date it is published.  Despite this 30 day period, the deadline for operator certification stands at 11/10/2018.

The final rule changes 2 things:

  1. Once effective, 30 days from publishing, the employer will have a duty to train and evaluate operators for competency, in addition to certification.
  2. Once effective, 30 days from publishing, certification will no longer need to be based on type and capacity, rather “type and capacity”, OR “type” will be acceptable. However, in the meantime, although not yet effective, OSHA will accept either “type and capacity” or “type” only certifications

To learn more, visit:

  • OSHA's new silica standard for construction into effect in late 2017, which means that contractors who engage in activities that create silica dust — that is, respirable crystalline silica — such as by cutting, grinding or blasting materials like concrete, stone and brick, must meet a stricter standard for how much of that dust workers inhale. Those who do not comply with the new standard will be subject to a maximum fine of $12,675 for a serious or other-than-serious violation; $12,675 per day past the abatement date for a failure-to-abate violation; and $126,749 for a repeated or willful violation. Download the Silica FAQ and Silica Standard Guide to make sure you and your company comply with the new standard.
  • Download the 44 page Protecting Roofing Workers Publication Today! This important resource includes information about personal fall arrest systems, worker rescues, and using fall-restraint and guardrail systems. Other sections focus on ladders, scaffolding, lifts and emergency action plans, among other topics.
  • Fall Protection in Construction includes information about Subpart M, which sets criteria for fall protection in construction work. The resource also provides examples of fall protection requirements in areas specific to construction, such as leading edges, low-slope roofs, steep roofs and overhand bricklaying.